
World events and Bible prophecy are pointing to the imminent end of the world, as we know it (Mt 24:6-22; Mk 13:1-20; Lk 21:5-24). Besides the manmade wars that are disrupting the food supply chain, there are droughts and other climatic events that are

Difficult times are ahead of us 

causing shortages of grocery items and the necessities of life. Preppers, as they are called, stockpile food, and other supplies in anticipation when there are major and long-term disruptions to the basics of life. Rather than live hand-to-mouth they consider it wise to be less dependent upon utility companies and supermarkets for daily survival, and are taking measures to live more self-sustaining lifestyles by using solar energy, growing more of their own food, and keeping livestock for dairy products and meat if they are in a position to do so. It is wise to be prepared for what is coming without being paranoid and living in fear (Mt 10:28). However, rather than being unduly consumed with self-protection or preservation we are not to forget the mandate Christ gave to “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Mt 28:19).

The Bible highlights that it is during the time of plenty that supplies are gathered ready for when it is scarce, illustrated by the hardworking ant storing its provisions in summer by gathering its food at harvest, and by the wise son who gathers crops in summer which is contrasted with a disgraceful son who sleeps during harvest (Prov 6:6-8, 10:5). “In the

Noah didn’t wait until it started raining to build the ark

house of the wise are stores of food…A prudent person foresees the danger ahead and takes precautions” (Prov 21:20, 27:12). Both Noah and Joseph were in tune with God and prepared before the crisis came – it is too late once calamity starts. Noah built the ark and stockpiled provisions for the eight people and all the animals that would be on board (Gen 6:21,22). Those around about were unconcerned and oblivious as to their impending doom (Lk 17:27; 1 Cor 16:13; 1 Thes 5:6). Similarly, Joseph was not caught off guard when the famine came, as he had made extensive measures that preserved the lives of multitudes that were unaware of the looming crisis (Gen 41:29-31,35,35, 50:20).

We should be motivated to prepare spiritually (through prayer, Bible study, having meaningful connection with other believers, etc), but also to prepare physically so we can provide for our families and others in need. While it is okay to take care of our own interests we should also consider the

In God I put my trust

needs of others and assist as appropriate (Lk 6:31; Gal 5:14; Phil 2:4). We should be hospitable having people around for meals or taking meals to the needy now, not just when the hardships really happen. We can’t save ourselves from the coming global catastrophe, yet as we walk obediently with God who is our ultimate source of protection there are measures we can take to shield ourselves from some of what’s happening in the world (Ps 18:2,3, 91:5-7). We must be alert and not let society dull our senses thinking life will continue, as we know it. Nor should we be crippled by fear because of the worsening world conditions, but "understand our redemption is drawing near" and "Fix our eyes on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith" for "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble" (Ps 46:1, 91:2; Lk 21:28; Heb 12:2). The most important decision about preparedness and survival, is to repent and turn to Jesus for eternal salvation – ultimate survival.

See also: fear, forethought, golden rule, outward focused, preparation, salvation.