
<<to oppose, disagreement>>

Some of the alleged inaccuracies or inconsistencies leveled at the Bible come about when being translated from the original languages (Hebrew and Greek) and there being no suitable words to convey the meaning. Sometimes two accounts of an event emphasise different perspectives yet both are completely accurate. 

Bible texts on their own or taken out of context may appear to contradict others, so to correctly interpret what the Bible passage says compare all the relevant verses and the overall principles of Scripture, otherwise an unbalanced and distorted view may be seen if only one aspect of the truth is majored on at the expense of others (2 Tim 2:15). Study carefully the wider context of the specific verses and gain the true meaning God intended.  If in doubt, whatever is the most loving and God-like is the true meaning.  “God is not a man that He should lie or change His mind” (Num 23:19).  As Christians we claim the Bible as inerrant (entirely true) and infallible (totally reliable). This reflects God’s nature and character.

However, what we do and say to each other as humans is often contradictory. We are hypocrites when we speak one message while our lifestyle reveals a different standard. We may agree with a person so we

Does what I do, line up with what I say?

don’t hurt their feelings when in fact we have a differing view and our body language reveals this contrary message. Our words and actions should be consistent.

Any guidance or directive we receive from God will be faithful to the nature and character of God and will not contradict the Bible’s teaching. It will be in total harmony.

Jesus was not contradicting the OT laws when during the Sermon on the Mount He said, “You have heard that it was said…” then follows it up with “But I tell you…” He said He had not come to abolish these foundations for living that God had established but to fulfil them (Mt 5:17). Jesus fulfilled the Law in that He was the only person to ever keep the whole Law, even in His heart, without sin (Heb 4:15). The OT laws defined sin and related to outward behaviour, for example “You shall not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment...Do not commit adultery...” (Mt 5:21,27...). Rather than conformity to a set of external rules, Jesus took this to a new level of heart attitude, by stating if the act is wrong, so is the thought even if not carried out: “If anyone is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgement...Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart..." (Mt 5:22,28...).

Jesus gave a serious warning, “Unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the Kingdom of heaven” (Mt 5:20). Although these religious leaders did the right things, Jesus said their hearts were full of evil (Mt 9:4, 12:34). This is why He referred to them as hypocrites because while they pretended to be holy on the outside they had sinful hearts.

See also: context, contrary, hypocrite, inerrancy, infallibility.